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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Midterm Break School finishes on Friday, 14th February for the midterm break.  School reopens on Monday, 24th February. Enjoy the break!
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17th January

16th Jan 2025
First class have been looking at different strategies to help with reading in our Phonics lessons this week. They have selected books to read for pleasure with their reading partners. We have been exploring bossy verbs and the children have been putting their knowledge to use at the writing table during Golden Time to create signs for the classroom on how to be a good friend. They have also learned the purpose of dictionaries and how to use them. 

The children who want to take part in next week's Show and Tell topic will bring in a book report they have written on their favourite book. 

We have focused on length again this week. The children have used their knowledge from last week to work more independently at different stations. They measured things around the classroom using rulers, metre sticks and non standard units like playing cards and dice. They also used Chromebooks to practice their mental maths skills. 
Can First Class find out any interesting facts for homework? How tall is Mount Everest? How long is the River Shannon? 

We looked at new vocabulary that began with the letter 'F'. 

The children learned about different symbols used in weather forecasts and designed posters of these.