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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

2nd class activities for Friday 24/01/25

23rd Jan 2025
Below is a list of activities related to what would be doing in 2nd class today that can be done at home to support learning.


  • Daily 10: Linked here, we do this every morning in our class as a maths warm up. We usually select Level 2 - Addition - 15 seconds, but feel free to explore the many other options available.
  • Wordwall time activities: This week we have been working with dates and calendars. Click here to view quizzes related to our new learning.
  • Topmarks search: Click here and use the search box to find activities for 2nd class related to 2-D shapes and Money so that your child can revise what we covered so far this month.


  • Recount Writing: This week is our last week for a while doing recount writing so your child should be able to demonstrate their learning for you. They can write about themselves or a character in the past tense but they will need a prompt. Literacy Shed, linked here, has some excellent prompts for this purpose. It also has many other resources for writing including image prompts so take a look around the website and encourage your child to be creative with it.
  • Grammar: This week we did adjectives for the second week in a row and we revised nouns from earlier in the year. I found a website, linked here, with many fun adjective games to try called Turtle Diary.


Here's a quiz revising Irish verbs that we have been doing under the theme of Caitheamh Aimsire (hobbies): linked here.

Project work
This week we did some research on recycling and environmental awareness in SESE. I recommend encouraging your pupil to do further research on climate change or on stormy weather such as the weather we are having at the moment. To do this they can use the child-friendly search engine Kiddle, which I will link here. All they need is an A4 page, they can present their findings in any way that they like. I would be very impressed to come back to school on Monday and see what the pupils have found out!

Holy Communion
For pupils receiving their First Holy Communion in May, I encourage you to practise the "Our Father" prayer this weekend.

I hope to see you all on Monday, thank you for all of the well wishes this week. Stay safe!