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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

2nd class news & activities 28/02/25

3rd Mar 2025

Below is a list of what we covered this week, along with some suggestions for what can be done at home to support your child's learning. Click on the links to view the sites. Even just 10 minutes per day would be so beneficial.

It was a sad week as we had to say goodbye to one of our pupils - Krithiv. We wish him the best in his new school.

Continue to use any of the three websites below to practice Place Value at home. We have now started Length and there is a resource below to practice at home called Kitten Knitting.

  • Daily 10: Linked here, we do this every morning in our class as a maths warm up. We usually select Level 2 - Addition - 15 seconds, but feel free to explore the many other options available, particularly for Fractions, Place Value and Length.
  • Wordwall fractions activities: Some may be difficult but all are beneficial. Click here to view quizzes related to our new learning.
  • Place Value Basketball: A very fun game for Place Value, linked here. Get 10 questions right in a row and you know as much as you need to know for second class!
  • Topmarks search: Click here and use the search box to find activities for 2nd class related to fractions, place value and length so that your child can revise what we covered so far this month.
  • Kitten Knitting: Measure using a ruler using this game, linked here. Very useful for learning about centimetres.


  • Grammar: I found a website, linked here, with many fun adjective games to try called Turtle Diary.
  • Also, linked here is a quiz on there versus their.


Here's a quiz revising Irish verbs that we have been doing under the theme of Caitheamh Aimsire (hobbies): linked here.
Here's a quiz for our new theme of Éadaí (clothes): linked here.
Here's a quiz related to Irish colours (na dathanna): linked here.

Holy Communion
For pupils receiving their First Holy Communion in May, I encourage you to practise the "Our Father" prayer this weekend.

Marshes Art Competition
Just a reminder that this week our class entered the Marshes art competition and ALL entries are going to be displayed in the Marshes around mid-March. 

Congratulations to our pupils of the week, Jamie and Amiira. Congratulations to Saule for earning the Happy Phone Call.