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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

2nd class news week ending 17th January

17th Jan 2025

This week we finished the topic of 2-D shapes and we have begun the topic of Time. The Topmarks website has some great resources on it for practicing at home. Also try Googling "Wordwall time maths" and trying out some of the activities on Wordwall at home.

An tseachtain seo chuireamar tús lenár dtéama nua: Caitheamh Aimsire.

This week we began our new theme: Hobbies.

This week we began learning about Recount Writing. We wrote about our trip to An Tain theatre in December. We did Adjectives in grammar, which are describing words. 


We also researched the moon landings on our chromebooks using Kiddle. Kiddle is a child friendly version of Google that I encourage you to have a look at this weekend.


Mindfulness workshop from ISPCC

On Friday we were lucky enough to have a half hour mindfulness seminar from ISPCC. Some pupils brought in a teddy bear to enhance the experience. Friday was a noticeably calm and productive day here in 2nd class. Consider Googling some mindfulness activities to use at home. I have encouraged the pupils to take a few minutes when they feel overwhelmed, stressed or annoyed.

Congratulations to Aldrin and Amiira for winning this week's Pupil of the week awards. Congratulations to Toby for earning the Happy Phone Call this week.

Congratulations also to Krithiv for winning last week's pupil of the week and to Sakhe for winning last week's happy phone call.