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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

2nd Class news week ending 6th December

6th Dec 2024

This week we continued with our theme of Honesty and we have already decided what our theme for January will be: Gratitude! What a wonderful mindset to have going into 2025. Our new theme was proposed by Zak, great thinking.

This week we continued on with the topic Money. This was a nice continuation from last week's addition with renaming as we got to apply our knowledge to real-world scenarios. Pictured is our pupils using their mini-whiteboards which are a great, engaging way to start a lesson.

 An tseachtain seo chuireamar tús lenár dtéama nua Geimhreadh. Beidh téama nua againn arís an tseachtain seo chugainn.

This week we began our new theme of Winter. We will have a new theme again next week.

This week we read a fact piece on Dinosaurs which prompted lots of impressive contributions from the pupils in our class. We are also writing letters to our principal which should be on display in our classroom by the end of next week!

We have been practicing our Christmas play, Gnome Alone, for one hour every day. Well done to all of our pupils for learning their lines at home after school. Pictured below is our class trip to An Tain during the week. Well done to everyone for such great behaviour on the trip. We were inspired for our own play in many ways.

Congratulations to Sheth for winning this week's Happy Phone Call and to Shay and Saule for winning pupils of the week!