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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Midterm Break School finishes on Friday, 14th February for the midterm break.  School reopens on Monday, 24th February. Enjoy the break!
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5th class 14/02/25

14th Feb 2025
Hi everyone. Just a message to say I hope you enjoy your mid term break. 

This week we have learned 


Converting fractions in percentages and vice versa. 
Also we have learned how to measure the perimeter of shapes


We have started a draft of a letter to ask for sponsorship of our Junior Entrepreneur Project. 


We are all able to say our favourite hobbies in Irish and talk about visiting the library. 


We are combining art and sese to develop our knowledge in of mountains and then create our own. You may get asked for some materials 😁


We created our own songs to a beat. 


We wrote on and discussed about the importance of family and friends 

A special mention for those members of the class who took part in the Credit Union Quiz. It was great night that can only benefit our children.