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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Midterm Break School finishes on Friday, 14th February for the midterm break.  School reopens on Monday, 24th February. Enjoy the break!
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7th February

6th Feb 2025
First Class have been learning about odd and even numbers this week. We learned that it's necessary to look at the final digit in a number to determine if its odd or even and had great fun looking at very big numbers to put our new knowledge to the test. Can you tell a grown up if you spot an odd or even number? 
The children have been reading a poem titled 'Animal Homes'. This sparked a lot of interest in finding out more about a variety of different animals. Working in pairs the children have selected an animal they would like to research and have discussed what they will need to complete this e.g. books from the library, Chromebooks. They have enjoyed exploring the world of a 'Vet'  through play opportunities 

We have focused on the o-e sound in Phonics and the Zig Zag Monster family in handwriting as well as trying our very best with using capital letters. 

First class have been been learning about An Aimsir (the weather) and have been very competitive about earning their table points when it comes to recalling the new vocabulary we've been exploring. 

The children have been looking at weather symbols and have created their own weather forecast to present to the the class.

We learned about the life of Aleen Cust the first female vet in Ieland. What can you remember about her?

We explored a map of Dundalk and the children were able to explore various areas of interest on it.