7th March First Class
6th Mar 2025
Wow what a busy week we've had in First Class!
We were in the kitchen on Pancake Tuesday cooking pancakes and trying out different tasty topings. We marked the beginning of Lent and discussed why it is an important time for Christians. The children were very excited to get their ashes on Ash Wednesday. We also had lots of fun dressing up for World Book Day aswell as singing songs such as Báidín Fheilimí and having a go at some céilí dancing for Seachtain na Gaeilge.
We explored several books by the author Julia Donaldson this week. This included the story of Freddy and the Fairy which sparked a discussion about the importance of being kind even when things don't go our way. The children also listened to the story of the Smartest Giant in Town.
They worked in groups to create their own new character which they will incorporate into a creative writing task next week. We focused on the 'th' sound this week? Can you write some words that include this sound?
We continued with Place Value this week. The children were very keen to take on the additional challenge tasks this week including looking at hundreds, tens and ones. How many different numbers can you make with the digits 2,4 and 7?
We looked at different wildflowers that grow in Ireland and some children brought in beautiful flowers for display. We also looked at the lifecycle of a sunflower.
Religious Education
We discussed how many Christians like to make a sacrifice or undertake good deeds during Lent.
We were in the kitchen on Pancake Tuesday cooking pancakes and trying out different tasty topings. We marked the beginning of Lent and discussed why it is an important time for Christians. The children were very excited to get their ashes on Ash Wednesday. We also had lots of fun dressing up for World Book Day aswell as singing songs such as Báidín Fheilimí and having a go at some céilí dancing for Seachtain na Gaeilge.
We explored several books by the author Julia Donaldson this week. This included the story of Freddy and the Fairy which sparked a discussion about the importance of being kind even when things don't go our way. The children also listened to the story of the Smartest Giant in Town.
They worked in groups to create their own new character which they will incorporate into a creative writing task next week. We focused on the 'th' sound this week? Can you write some words that include this sound?
We continued with Place Value this week. The children were very keen to take on the additional challenge tasks this week including looking at hundreds, tens and ones. How many different numbers can you make with the digits 2,4 and 7?
We looked at different wildflowers that grow in Ireland and some children brought in beautiful flowers for display. We also looked at the lifecycle of a sunflower.
Religious Education
We discussed how many Christians like to make a sacrifice or undertake good deeds during Lent.
Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Castletown Road, Fatima Ct, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Phone: 042 933 1575