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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Midterm Break School finishes on Friday, 14th February for the midterm break.  School reopens on Monday, 24th February. Enjoy the break!
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Another Week in 6th Class

6th Dec 2024

This week we read a story about A Horse Called El Dorado. The story was about a young boy who dreams of having a horse. He eventually meets El Doorado his horse and they embark on wonderful adventures together, with many lessons about friendship, trust and courage. The children also worked on adjectives, vocabulary work, synonyms and working with sound.

We continued to further develop fractions this week adding and subtracting and problem solving with fractions. Coverting to improper fractions and finding the common denominator. Cooking and baking is a great way to further develop maths skills measuring out 3/4 cup of sugar, 1/3  tablespoon of salt. 

Our theme this month is An Nollag (Christmas) We have been developing our vocabulary skills, playing games and listening to stories. Many of the new words we have learnt can be seen in the pictures below. Coinneal(candle) Crann Nollag (Christmas tree) Cuileann (Holly).

We have also been busy learing songs, practicing our script and creating artwork for our Christmas show this week. But we still had a little time for playing a game of unihoc against 5th class.

 Congratulations to Yahye on getting pupil of the week🎊