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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Class News week ending 28th November

28th Nov 2024
Hi all,

It is nearly the end of November and we have decided as a class that our theme for December will be honesty. This is a valuable trait for any person to have and the boys and girls in 2nd class have been so great already this year at being honest and respectable to one another. Here is an update of what we have been doing in 2nd class:

We finished working on Data recently and it is now many of our pupils' favourite topic in maths. They really enjoyed the many colourful ways we can present our work in this topic! This week our focus shifted back to addition and we have been regrouping two-digit numbers within 99, or as we like to say in our class, we have been carrying over our tens. There is lots of excitement around starting Money next week with our physical classroom resources and we have even seen some American Dollars being brought into class this week. Why not try the Topmarks money game at home this weekend?

Tá an téama "Bia" críochnaithe againn anois. D’fhoghlaim na buachaillí agus na cailíní conas an t-am a insint i nGaeilge freisin. Fiafraigh díobh "Cén t-am é?"

We have now completed the theme of "Food". The boys and girls have also learned how to tell the time in Irish. Ask them "What time is it?" (We have covered O'Clock and Half-past)

This week we began a new text called Dinosaur Dash which is about 5 friends who go back in time for an adventure with Dinosaurs. This leads us nicely into learning about the Jurassic Age in class next week! 

Christmas Play
We have been practicing everyday for our upcoming play. Well done to all the boys and girls for the great effort that they have put into their production already.

Congratulations to Kylie Levins who is our pupil of the week this week! Very well deserved for a girl who is so consistent in everything that she does.