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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Midterm Break School finishes on Friday, 14th February for the midterm break.  School reopens on Monday, 24th February. Enjoy the break!
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First class week ending 1st December

1st Dec 2024
The children have been focusing on partition within 20 this week. They have also completed 3 step addition problems. 

We looked at the 'y' sound at the end of words this week in Phonics and have been practicing the 'One armed robot family in our handwriting. They have been discussing their favourite types of books and illustrated this by painting scenes of their favourite settings. 

First class have been learning how to describe what they eat and drink for breakfast this week.

The children had lots of fun with balloons this week as they investigated static electricity.