First Week After Christmas
Welcome back, everyone! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas break. Here is a glimpse of what we have been up to in our first week back at school:
We delved into some incredible survivor stories that left us in awe of human resilience.We also expanded our vocabulary by learning about antonyms and continued our dictionary work.
Ratios were the focus of our lessons this week.We learnt how to compare quantities and solve problems with ratios. We continued to focus on our mental maths and tables also. Continue ue to use Hit The Button game to improve our tables.
Winter, An Geimhreadh is the theme this week in our Irish lessons. "Bím préachta leis an bhfuacht" a pretty appropriate saying this week! (I am frozen with the cold ).
SEINN Concert
The excitement is building as we prepare for our upcoming SEINN concert for Catholic Schools Week. We are practicing our songs, which can be found at the following address
Our World
We continued to learn about our understanding of the world by writing and singing about our continents and oceans.
Other News
We didn't let the cold weather dampen our spirits as we got extra time to play cards, board games and lego during our lunch break.
We also finished off the week by playing volleyball with 5th class.
Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Castletown Road, Fatima Ct, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Phone: 042 933 1575