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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Midterm Break School finishes on Friday, 14th February for the midterm break.  School reopens on Monday, 24th February. Enjoy the break!
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Learning Fun!

23rd Sep 2024
Well done to Pupil of the Week, Caoimhe!

1st class have been exploring the signs of Autumn and have written some fantastic Autumn poems for our display board.

They have been learning about the importance of each of our 5 senses.  We played a fun game in which they had to guess what a number of mystery objects were using only one of their senses.

In Science, we looked ta natural and man-made sources of light and the children designed posters.

We have been starting to make number sentences that involve adding three numbers together within 15.

In handwriting, we have looked at the "long letter family" and the children have been reading about different playground games this week.  They have had a chance to try these out in the beautiful weather!