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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Reading & Penguin Pete Art work!

28th Nov 2024

Another productive and busy week in 3/4th A!
This week it was all about commencing our class novel for our daily shared reading activity.
What is shared reading? Shared reading is an interactive read aloud where the students join in or share the reading of a book while guided and supported by a teacher. The teacher explicitly models the skills of proficient readers, including reading with fluency and expression.- we are really enjoying “bill’s new frock” and look forward to their opportunity to read.
Please encourage the children to read their own chosen books at home.

In English, we are working on sentence structures, story building, correcting our comprehension and grammar.

Maths is focused on multiplication and division.

So proud of how the children worked so we together bringing our art work together for our upcoming play “Penguin Pete”.

Our classroom is looking great - displaying our brand new posters for Maths and SESE. The children particularly loved the world poster finding the different countries and chatting to their classmates on their own origins and of their families- it was lovely to hear.

We also made our class “worry box” - the children decorated it with lots of positive words & colour! 
I have setup our class “Dojo” app this will  be running properly next week - the kids are very excited!

Congratulations to Lily & Andri on receiving Ms. Hanratty’s pupil of the week! 2 very happy pupils when I announced their names!