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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Christmas Holidays School will finish at 12pm on Friday, 20th December for the Christmas break. We will reopen Monday, 6th January 2025. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year! 🎄
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We Recieved a Very Special Letter this Week

9th Nov 2024
President of Ireland's Secretariat Respondss to Our Students' Letters

We are absolutely thrilled to share that our students recieved a heartfelt response from the President of Ireland's Secretariat! This wonderful acknowledgement has filled us with immense pride and joy. The President was delighted to recieve the children's letters and sent his best wishes to all in Scoil Eoin Baiste.

In English this week we learnt about Cuba, delved into the rich culture, history and daily experience of people living there. We discussed what it would be like living in a communist country.

This week our Irish lessons were based on bia (food) we will continue to read stories learn songs and poems over the next few weeks.

In maths we continued to learn about angles, acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles. Learning about angles can open up a whole new perspective on how we see the world around us. See if you can spot some angles around your home!

Religion: A special Visitor

We had the honour of welcoming John, a representative from the Diocese to our school. This visit included an engaging session and provided a wonderful opportunity for our class to showcase their learning of both their religious  studies and knowledge in a meaningful way. We were delighted with the very positive feedback we received and we continue to look forward to our strong relationship  with the Diocese.

School Council
Never mind the Irish or American elections, Scoil Eoin Baiste elections for Students Council took place this week. Congratulations to all the candidates for their hard work and a special congratulations to our newly elected Student Council members!