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Scoil Náisiúnta Eoin Baiste, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Work for Friday 24/1/25

23rd Jan 2025

Hi everyone, with the schools closed tomorrow I have sent some small bits of work for our classes tomorrow. 

Both junior and senior infants will read over their books, sounds and tricky words, using their sounds to make some easy words e.g. Use the b, a and t sounds to make bat. 

Also both classes will complete the next page in the writing copy, which has being sent home with them. As well as a page in the math book, which is in their folders/bags. Junior Infants have page 14 in maths, while senior infants have page 13.

To reinforce what we are currently doing in maths, the children could use pencils or crayons to measure how long different items are in the homes as they really enjoyed doing it in school. 

Hope everyone stays safe during the upcoming storm, and we will see everyone on Monday.